Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Home again, home again

Whew...It's been a busy couple of weeks on the road! I've covered approx. 12,166 miles, got 3 new stamps in my passport, sailed on a research ship, got a little sea sick, received letters from kids I visited at NC schools during my book release, attended my first ICON7 illustration conference, met a ton of awesome illustrators, caught up with old friends, came home to sample copies of my first chapter book, and got a new project through dribble (thanks by the way to whoever posted my work....woohoo for free advertising)!

I'm exhausted, excited, inspired, and really happy to be back in the studio working on some new stuff.  Here are some photos from my recent travels and some fun letters from kiddos back on the east coast.  

The Joides Resolution - my home for 10 days.

Curacao - best snorkeling ever...what, it was for research for the new book. 

docking in Bermuda...can you find me (hint: I'm in a light green shirt)

SEE! We did work...

Found these in the mail when I came home:
So I thought this letter was pretty great...

and I think these guys are my favorite.

I'm going to hire this kid to draw any dog faces in my books from now on.