Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tryon Elementary School Visit - Uncovering Earth's Secrets

One of my favorite parts of illustrating for children is the opportunity to go into classrooms and speak with the kids.  It's funny, every time I do it I learn something new from them and it's such a refreshing and inspiring break from the many, many...many hours I spend in the studio.  So, I was of course very excited to visit Tryon Elementary School in Tryon, North Carolina last week to talk to the 4th and 5th grade classes about the most recent book I've illustrated Uncovering Earth's Secrets: Science and Adventure on the JOIDES Resolution (which is available as a free download on the iPad here).  

Some of the kids read the book before I visited...check out their awesome drawings! 

Thank you to TES fro the opportunity and a great day! And thank you Deep Earth Academy for the posters, pencils, & tattoos fro the kids!

SCBWI Fall 2013 Conference Masthead Illustration

SCBWI Nor Cal recently hosted a contest to illustrate the masthead for their Fall 2013 conference, and I'm excited and honored to share that my illustration won! Along with free admission to the conference, my illustration will be used in all promotional material for the conference. All you local SCBWI members...I hope to see you there!!! To sign up visit:  Here's my masthead illustration and some pullouts from it: